Smart Autonomous Grinding

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Smart Autonomous Grinding Products

Smart Autonomous Grinding

For over 30 years, Rollomatic has proposed solutions that incorporate some level of automation. We have incorporated loader systems into our grinding machines to help our customers reduce human intervention. Now, as we look to the future of manufacturing, our experience has helped us shape our vision of the future factory. Our mission to deliver Smart Autonomous Solutions begins with the simple but can lead to the fully autonomous factory of the future.

#1 Automation Technology – demystify automation for customers. start with simple, relatable, why we need probes and wheel changers, and running over night. Doesn’t care about AGV Automated Guided Vehicles. Autonomous grinding can happen within a Rollomatic machine.

#2 – Smart Connectivity – once you have one machine on your floor making tools, then a 2nd machine, so they can talk to each other. This is the foundation of further automation such as communication between machines and robotics. RConnect uses the OPC-UA standard.

#3 Smart Factory – robotics, AGVs, automation of smart autonomous grinding put into practice.

The SmartFactory is the culmination of technology, connectivity, process, and the flow that allows for the reduction of all non-essential human intervention. To achieve this, Rollomatic understands that our partnership with our customer becomes extremely critical. Our role in helping our customers is the culmination of our efforts in connectivity and digitalization with the ability to support through the process, whether with our own team, the customer’s team, or a third-party integrator.

From ERP and MES integration to the AGVs and robotic arms, Rollomatic has the knowledge and experience to help guide you on the path to your SmartFactory.

The SmartFactory is not achievable unless we continue our commitment to Smart Autonomous Grinding. Our machines are designed and built with features and options that provide the stability, process, and precision required for the SmartFactory of the future.